Gegar Amerika Logo
About Us

GEGAR is a progressive youth-led movement which aims to build a united multicultural and transnational front in Malaysia against Zionism and U.S. imperialism; condemning U.S. interventionist aggression in the Global South, currently focused on the liberation of Palestine.

GEGAR was formed by a group of Malaysians in 2023 during the 24/7 6-day encampments outside of the U.S. embassy in response to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. On the 13th of January 2024, during the International Day of Action for Gaza, GEGAR organised a spontaneous march and sit-in against the Malaysian police; protesting the governments' refusal to allow protestors to reach the U.S. embassy. On February 2024, we organised our own autonomous protest and handed over a memorandum to the U.S. embassy to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and to halt all weapons sales to Israel.

Since then, GEGAR has been organising direct actions, mass protests, and community-building events aimed at building a popular movement for the liberation of Palestine and the Global South.

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